FED Assessment Tool

We’ve learned the real importance of recognising your starting point as a leader and tracking your progress as you develop. We’ve created the quiz below to map your leadership journey. Take it now and discover your leadership muscle profile and the key steps you need to take to grow as leader.


Mapping your leadership muscles

Find out what your preferred leadership muscle is by completing this questionnaire and download your free personalised profile and reflection summary…


 FED Personalities


Future Muscle

A clarity of ambitious vision


Engage Muscle

The ability to take others with you


Deliver Muscle

Making it happen

Steps to explore your leadership

  • Get your leadership team to do the same and compare your profiles.

  • Find some useful tools on the website to help you develop individually and as a team.

  • When you’ve completed this, let us know how you all scored – we’d love to help you and your staff develop as leaders – get in touch!